Jennell Ives

State CTE Director

Oregon Department of Education

State Membership

1295 Panorama Court Southeast Salem, OR 97302-1729 United States

Photo of Jennell Ives

Professional Bio

Jennell Ives, Director of the Secondary Postsecondary Transitions Team at the Oregon Department of Education has been with the Department for 13 years. She is a leader and innovator with a relentless commitment to improving the educational experiences of learners and building direct connections between learning during school and the skills necessary to thrive outside of education. She has served the Oregon Department of Education in many roles, including Health Science Specialist, Accelerated & Personalized Learning Specialist, launching the High School Success Program and Perkins Grant and CTE Investment lead. Prior to moving to Oregon, she was Director of Global Education at the Wildlife Conservation Society based in New York. Jennell has a background in science and educator training. Jennell is committed to building partnerships and is dedicated to using data and feedback to disrupt systemic barriers that create inequities.

In 2018, Jennell and her husband, Jason Greenwood, opened a small beverage manufacturing business. Her experiences as a small business owner have deepened her connection to her community and her perspectives on career and technical education.

Jennell holds a master’s degree in Microbiology from University of Maryland, a master’s degree in Entomology from the University of California and a certificate in Project Management from Cornell.


Parent: Oregon Department of Education

255 Capitol Street North East Salem, OR 97310

Photo of Jennell Ives