Jodi Langellotti

Communications Associate

Advance CTE

Photo of Jodi Langellotti

Professional Bio

As Communications Associate, Jodi owns and implements all digital communications strategy and content, the Advance CTE website, and the member newsletter. She also supports organization-wide initiatives, including the Postsecondary State CTE Leaders Fellowship and the Launch college and career pathway network. Jodi has a diverse background ranging from public school teacher to corporate trainer, mental health advocate & educator, to marketing & communications executive. Throughout Jodi’s professional and volunteer career, she has been fortunate to gain experience managing omnichannel marketing and communications, performing community outreach in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors, creating multimedia content, and building and nurturing meaningful relationships across organizations that foster collaboration, growth, and action.

Jodi shares her passion for mental health education and advocacy outside of work by volunteering with multiple organizations. Jodi lives in Southeastern New Hampshire with her husband, daughter, dogs (Hank & Leela), cat (Meow), foster bunny (MJ), and goldfish (Harry).


Parent: Advance CTE

8484 Georgia Ave, Ste 620 Silver Spring, MD 20910-5604


Photo of Jodi Langellotti

Leadership Role

Advance CTE Staff